Saturday, December 6, 2008

Candlelight Vigil

Tonight we went to a candlelight vigil at the Christmas Angel Box Statute that is in a cemetery in Idaho Falls. Its was for all the families that had lost children. It was really nice. Every one left a flower or a token at the base of that statue and a few mothers told about their losses. I hope to make it out there to take a picture tomorrow and I will post when get it.. I really hate this time of year because its hard to get through everything with out having that hole in your heart take over your thoughts. Like when we are wondering what to buy on your Christmas list and you wish that you could add Olivia's name to it and when you sign up for the kids party that Kurt's company has every year you wish that you could sign up two kids. I am not saying that the rest of the year is any easier this time of year just makes it a bit harder. If we could go from November to March I would be happy but I guess these are months that help you be stronger. They make you sit back and think about what you are really thankful for and all the blessings that you have been giving in life but also all the mountains that you have to climb and conquer too. I am just so lucky to have had those few months with Olivia and I am proud to be her mom. I know that one of these years I will be having to explain all this to Wyatt why his big sister is a picture on the wall but one thing I will tell him is that he has a very very special sister that is his guardian angel in heaven that will forever look over him from above.

1 comment:

Sherry to all said...

My Pretty Girl will always be on top of every Christmas List, Birthday List, My Special Someone to talk to list, I miss her every single day, I hear the lullaby being played in the hospital every time a baby is born and I just know in my heart that is my Pretty Girl playing that lullaby on the piano. I love you and miss you with all my heart Olivia, I would give anything in this world, including myself to have you back in your mothers arms.
Take Care of the angle babies sis...